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    ‧青睞中印高層次人才-新加坡要讓移民 2007-09-08


    In Favor of Indian and Chiese High-ranking Talents
    Singapore let immigrants “Take Root”
    The chief officer of PwC Asia, Gautam Banjeree, was appointed as the Singapore government Parliamentary member who doesn’t have vote right to enhance the influence on Singapore’s growing immgrant groups. He said:”we need to attract overseas talent to take root here.”
    Singapore needs more talents like Gautam Banjeree. Singapore was one country which had the highest birth rate in the world, but the birth rate is gradually declinling. Educated young people in Singapore have migrated to seek better jobs or more freedom from the shackles of their restrictive provisions. If the current trends continue, by 2020, the population of Singapore may start to shrink.
    The Singapore government wants to change foreign population pattern to attract more educated workers to fill the postions of private banking, financial industries, service industries, biotechnology and education. The government hopes many of them become Singapore citizens or permanent residents; the goal for this project is to let 240,000 people obtian identiy in the next five years.
    To achieve this objective, the Singapore government is working on changing the boring image to tell people this country is a prosperous city. The government has relaxed the stringent control of the nightlife4, and two of the world’s most expensive casino will open here soon. After many years of being ignored, the development of cultural activites is on people’s attention now. UBS Investment Bank Singapore head, Christine Ong said:”Singapore is promoting itself as a lifestyle center” to attract more middle-class employees. 


    為實現這一目標,新加坡政府正努力擺脫新加坡的呆板形象,宣傳該國是一個繁榮的全球城市。政府已放寬了對夜生活的嚴苛管制規定,而兩家全球最昂貴的賭場也很快將在此開業。在被忽略多年后,文化活動的發展正受到人們的關注。投資銀行瑞銀集團新加坡主管Christine Ong表示:“新加坡正推廣自己是一個生活時尚中心”,以吸引更多的中產階級員工。