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    ‧中國貿易順差再創紀錄 1970-01-01


    China Surplus Hits Record Despite Export Slowdown
    China's latest record monthly trade surplus likely ensures continued debate over trade and currency policies at coming economic summits with its two biggest trading partners, the U.S. and Europe.

    The record came despite slowing growth in exports and an unexpected pickup in imports from a year earlier. Merchandise exports from China in October rose 22.3% to $107.73 billion, the General Administration of Customs said Monday -- the third straight month that growth has been slower than the first half's 28% pace.

    Economists attributed the slowdown to the cumulative impact of currency appreciation -- the Chinese yuan has risen more than 5% against the U.S. dollar so far this year -- and Chinese tax changes that have disadvantaged exports in some industries like paper and metal processing. 'The effect of the nation's macro-control measures in the area of foreign trade has become more apparent,' Customs said in a statement.

    China's imports of goods in October were up 25.5% from a year earlier to $80.67 billion in October, a bigger jump than September's 16.1%, in part because high global commodities prices boosted the bill for imported raw materials. That left a surplus for the month of $27.05 billion, smaller than many economists had expected but still a record, beating the previous monthly high of $26.91 billion, set in June.

    儘管出口增幅出現回落、且進口增幅出乎意料地高於上年同期水準,但中國10月份的貿易順差仍創出歷史紀錄。海關總署(General Administration of Customs)週一公佈,中國10月份出口額為1077.3億美元,增長22.3%,是連續第三個月增幅較上半年28%的水準出現回落。
